Do you remember Julia, the stone carving woman and her companion Lawsonson? Anyhow, she came by the other day and brought a bunch of driftwood she picked up from beaver-dams near by. She said: Isn't it fascinating how these animals are such awesome carvers? Then we arranged the pieces on a table and Julia thereafter started to put her own imprints on a peace of wood (no picture). I really am excited to carve something, she said...
Excellent! I was not aware that beavers could inspire people to start carving until now. And so it goes. Julia has been accepted at Harvard (from all places) and an other college I can't remember (somewhere in Pennsylvania) to study Landscape Design.
Maybe the beavers got her a head start ...
Friday, March 31
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1 comment:
You came, you griped, I changed my blog. Now you have to change your link back again. But you asked for that.
And so it goes.
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