Tuesday, December 28
it is going to be a New Year
I wish you all new strength, light, power, warmth and insight - perhaps an inner power, more energetic than the nuclear plant I happened to take a picture off.
It is also my duty and desire to thank you all for following my windy ways in 2010. This, your comments, were actually sometimes a source of inspiration and comfort despite the wicked digital media it was carried on. Gary, Cym, Lindsay, the Dutch lady, and many others who's names are well known, helped me toddle along. I thank you all for that!
I believe, we arrived (once again) at a pivotal point in human history. Even though I experience a rather stable situation (economically) in Switzerland in the present, the turmoil of anxieties on all other levels continues ... everywhere.
In many ways I would characterize the year 2010 as a year of demolition and renewed orientation. The BP spill, the loss of Obama-Hope, Haiti (ongoing), the financial collapse (ongoing), ... and so on - are just reminders of times to come. I am not trying to sketch a bleak picture, but I am well aware of the hurdles. Times must get worse before they be better. As I watch the new full moon rise, I feel the power embedded in my own biography. Reflections indeed. My new mantra must be earth bound, not stellar.
Switzerland is small, a tiny place. I mean, there is nothing you can hide, not even money, if you have such - that "bank-secrecy" has become a myth. Switzerland is like an ant-hive, well organized, functions key, precision adored. And then there is beauty in traditions. Since I have been here, my cholesterol and blood pressure levels have gone through the roof due to the consumption of fine cheeses and fine wine. I suffer and enjoy simultaneously. What a dilemma!
Went to an old fashioned cotton weaver-factory today. Most of the production is now outsourced to Asia, the stalls empty, triste. So my brother in law rented some space, he is an engineer, and helps to create and manufacture bicycles with added power of electric motors. His design will be world famous - that I know... :) No, kidding aside, I wish him good luck.
For all of you out there, I wish you good luck as well. May the New Year be fruitful, pleasant and plenty.
(you sort this out, will yah)
Sincere greetings, strength and compassion for the New Year,
Tuesday, December 14
As life in general continues its mysterious and turbulent ways, my personal situation has settled somewhat.
I am situated in an area where the worlds most prestigious watches are being manufactured - and I kidd you not, the landscape is exactly as on this picture. The watchmaker studios are nestled in rather small towns, and even villages. La Chaux de Fonds is probably the most unique of these places. Designed like Manhattan, the structure resembles a checker board, the only place of its kind in Switzerland. Le Locle, a small neighboring township build in the typical Jurassic style with crooked streets and also old (15, 16, 17...th century) houses is the birthplace of the Chronograph and also the manufacturing town of Tissot watches. It is amazing to stand there and look at that not very large Tissot building surrounded by medieval structures.
Where I live, I smoke my last cigarette of the day outside. It is dark and I listen to the harmonic composition of cowbells from the neighboring farm. The barn is a half-open structure and the sound can escape. Sound in darkness. Peace.
Saturday, November 27
And add the becoming self-reliance
In inner soul spheres, it rejuvenates
And should awaken strength towards all of what is presently in demand
My outer practical work is life,
And that is what impregnates my path today, that is my present whereabouts and also my task.
Rudolf Steiner (Wochenspruch)
With all the convoluted and kind of sometimes unpractical suggestions and presentations, I do like Rudolf Steiner's straight forward thinking and approach. A mystic in some ways, perhaps an initiate. The point is, that he scattered around initiatives and concrete suggestions of how to improve your meditative life without the help of an external "guru". His aim was clearly that you become "self-reliant". Of course, most Anthroposophists (lacked the genius) to follow such a path (is this nasty to put it so arrogantly this way?) Nevertheless, a seed was planted by him and it might take yet an other generation for fair results to appear.
My own path is going to change "subito" as well, in three days I will change once again location and job. I am looking very much forward to do this, though I do have to admit that I am a just a little bit nervous - "stage fright" you could say...
As I write this there is snow, it's beautiful and calm. What a blessing. The world finally (in my eyes) puts on a protective coat.
Sunday, November 14
Fun and Fear
The "loops" in my life also contribute to excitement, at times scary and other moments outright exhilarating.
When was the last time you re-invented yourself, crossed an unknown border, went on a journey without a fixed destination, stood on top of a cliff in your dreams and spontaneously decided: Yes indeed, I am able to fly!
Friday, November 12
bare bone scorpio
Did you know that scorpions are the only animals who are able to commit suicide (besides the human species)?
There is a beauty in this. Scorpio is the sole sign in the Zodiac (astrologically speaking) who brings pure clarity of thinking and reason. We aught to respect this. It is not just a wavering mood like Taurus, the opposite sign (in the zodiac) who is filled with endless emotional deliberations (that's me).
But I do content. Switzerland in its narrow ways has opened up broad avenues. First of all, I met old helpful friends - then of course also: I got a decent job!
Scorpio is the quality who demands that you sober up and start to use your embedded qualities and talents, your rational thinking as well.
I am extremely content that all this "scorpio power" worked towards my advantage. In that respect, homage to Scorpio!
There are many funny things to tell about how things actually work out in the old country, but I will post those occurrences at a later point.
Sunday, August 22
the tower of power
Both are essentially gone. Satellites have replaced the towers and the "watch-woman" is retired - but I found some images of old I took about 15 years ago of this, placed them on the lawn and used the digital capture device for reproduction...
Friday, August 20
the world is comfortably insane
There are complaints out there that the new environmentally designed "Sun Chips" bag made by Frito Lay which can be composted - is too noisy when opened. There are 20 million people homeless in Asia. There are millions of chicken eggs on recall in the US because of a bacteria outbreak. The economy, despite of the dance of all the witch doctors, is a miserable recovery. And the word "recovery" should be eliminated all together from the dictionary. We cut our lawn and expect the grass to be greener on the other side of the fence. How idiotic.
The flowers in my garden still bloom, on the other hand - for each blossom that withers a soldier dies in a foreign country. An islam meeting place to be opened close to "ground zero" in Manhattan, New York, stirs peoples minds as if that would change anything. There is little logic behind all this.
Thursday, August 12
Leaving Hobbittown will be tough. I will miss my four 'a clock afternoon tea, the smoke rings evaporating from a cob-pipe, the fresh smell of Basil in the garden and in general; tranquility.
The other picture here depict my supportive wife and friends from Europe who urge me to make a move.
Today I got a job offer in the US which I shouldn't refuse, but I already booked my ticket Europe bound. Destiny works mysterious ways.
Monday, August 2
Sunday, July 25
the BP thingy
Look at me now, I am BP
I will promise you plenty of energy
the world shall burn - all it's fuels
sail away with me on this ship of fools.
Look at me now, I am BP
and I have a brilliant strategy
suck out all the oil from below the sea
yeah, I'll give you plenty of energy
All is well when you gaze out to the sea
all looks swell from your condo's balkony
Seagulls are covered in black molasses
the oil spill grows bigger while we drag our asses
fisherman miss out on their daily catch,
help me Sir, do you have a latch?
I wanna stop this spill, and go for the kill
though to succeed to stop this mess - I guess I never will!
The ocean is polluted and a general saluted
while I give you this - and here is the key
I deliver you plentiful of energy
and don't forget my name, it's simply: BP!
Politicians scratch their heads
repeat what all ghost-writer said
and without even blinking
they speak loud what they are thinking,
I am BP and I give you energy
All is well when you gaze out to the sea
all looks swell from your condo's balkony
So the Gulf is infected and the shores not protected
put more platforms up, fill the missing gap
'cause I am BP - and I'll give you energy
I am here to stay, take your liberties away
forget them now - I have no more to say.
Beware, above text is a draft. The copper relief of the image is over 20 years old, hanging on the entrance wall of a restaurant - it's called "Nordic Light". I get free meals there whenever I appear. Kind of cool.
Saturday, July 24
Earth and Sky - final
The easiest way to download this song as an mp3 file, if you want to keep it, is to click on the top right logo (imt) of this player which gets you to the host site; type "zayart" into the search window (top right) - and voila, there is the song, ready for download to your hard-drive as an mp3.
Ok, so this is the final version for now. This is what the father of the girl will get. It is still a bit rough, but so be it. At least there is more structure now, some guitar noodling on my part while my brother plays the rhythm, and then I added violin. All recorded instruments were a "one take situation", all improvised on the spot. The violin was shuttled over via internet and added to the multitrack.
So the other day I went to a concert, Camille Saint-Saens Violin Concerto No.3; and then the barely fifteen year old violin player was absolutely spectacular, sound wise, and also in her ease to communicate with the orchestra; fabulous!
Oh, I should mention her name, just in case you are in the vicinity of her giving a performance. Her name is Sirena Huang.You will be in for a treat if you catch her preforming.
But I can tell you this much, despite her fame, she is totally sane and natural and hates and loves exactly what every normal teenager would hate and love. I mean I might simplify here, but that is the sense I got from her webpage and from the miniscule interaction I had after her concert. Whatever, she is great, don't miss out on her if she happens to play in your town.
PS. There is a low resolution (video) version of my song on uTube, audio Ok, video bad.
Sunday, July 4
Hot dogs again
It's that time of year again when I ponder what the United States of America is all about. Is it a new empire that put closure to an old one? Is it a continent that was populated by extremist religious groups not tolerated anymore in Europe? Is it a Democracy? Well, the "founding fathers" clearly said: No to that, leaving the states in an ambivalent free for all experiment. So what is it then, the land of the free, with awesome sculptures carved into the rocks of Mount Rushmore?
Did the Indian's blood fertilize the lands properly? Did the two party system evolve to anything else but a Duocracy?
Does the Hamburger taste better in the USA than in Hamburg - Germany? Besides, maybe the US burger is better since most obese, fat, ugly people live on this continent and most other continents are spared of such ... for now. (Sorry obese people, I just had to say it that way). And why do we American opportunistic peoples only invest into the infrastructure of "Now" - and not the future? Why do we wait to call for international help to clean up the worst oil spill ever ... until six weeks down the road? Why don't we use our plenty abundance of resources wisely which would suffice for all of us? What's wrong with this "Independence"? Have we become cowards not able to live up to our dreams and expectations, do we have an issue jumping over our own shadow?
All right, today I am not using charcoal, but real wood - ash wood that is, to get my fire going. And then, we will have all kinds of meats and vegetables roasting on that fire, celebrating the 4th of July!
As Lincoln would have said: Let the fireworks begin!
Tuesday, June 29
will you pull me out of here?
Whilst in Puerto Rico early this year, the divide between poor and affluent people became more than ever obvious to me. This "SUV" the guy sits on does not radiate hope for a ride into a bright future. And then a few blocks away you will find posh Mega Casinos where gambling sets the tone of the day. All these hundred of thousands of Dollars each day down the drain, no, not down the drain, instead enriching those who are already rich. Is there a method to this madness?
Sunday, June 20
Most people believe that the head is the most important entity. Well, it is important, but not THAT important.
We humans always think (emphasis on think) that all riddles and maladies of this world find a solution through the use of what we call intelligence, based in the physical neurological system of our daily decaying bodies.
Reality shows us that this is not so. The conflict of Israel and Palestine is not "think". Afghanistan and Iraq is not "think". The oil spill is very little "think".
No, all this is a warped reality of human commotions and emotions gone awry.
Greed, stubbornness, religious misconceptions and survival instincts all rule human society - unless of course, we chop off our head. The displacement of the heart has become obvious in our times. It is time we use our wings. Angels did it, why can't we? The only way to grow and make your wings flourish, is by centering your primal energy into the middle region - the heart.
Then you will be able to rise above, and solutions might be found.
Carved picture frame in walnut wood by me, the image is from Greece
Wednesday, June 2
Silence is silver, conversation is gold - and then there is black gold
IfItWasMyHome.com - Visualizing the BP Oil Disaster
(this is a link, click on it)
This is starting to piss me off.
BP, with all their promises and attempts is not able to stop the flow of oil into the Gulf?
There is a moratorium for the next six months for offshore drilling in the US.
So I believe that BP just let it slide, don't care if they can cap the well or not, as long as they can perform the "ultimate solution" - namely having two "relief rigs" drilling right by; of course not ready until sometimes in August.
By not managing to cap the well, BP will circumcise the moratorium for off-shore drilling - a free ride again and pump the black gold into their coffers of that particular oil field. Very clever. It's all about money, not people.
In the mean time they dispense thousands of tons of chemicals on top of the sea and on the bottom just where it gushes out. God knows what that will do to the environment. Did I say environment, did I say natural habitat? Did I say long term?
Humans are such pitiful creatures, they don't even grow fur to protect themselves. They need clothes made of cotton and wool, all from nature and in the same breath they destroy their resources they depend on. Pathetic. Unless you wish to call a Nylon dress "clothing" - which of course again is derived from crude oil.
So get your windmills up, your solar-panels, whatever you can do - and kiss goodbye cooperations who wish to dominate our daly life.
Tuesday, June 1
Life as it can be
When I travelled up to Vermont, close to the Canadian border to visit my son, I observed and realized how living and
In a small house by a creek, there was no electricity, instead propane lights at night. Very sufficient actually. Forget WiFi and all that stuff, cell phones barely work there - if at all.
There is a certain tranquility about that.
It had been raining for several days, the pathways to the cottage drenched and soggy - and we were "just there". Then came the question: "You must be bored, shall we go somewhere, do an outing, maybe to town?" I said no, I am fine with this, I actually have no desire to socialize with others right now...
So I asked him: "Are you ever bored here?" - he answered, no. I keep too busy to ever experience that state of mind.
He does fine stonemasonry, building patios and indoor custom-cut floors with amazing patterns, building outdoor bread ovens, while also taking care of a herd of cattle at the adjunct organic farm.
Why do I bring this all up? Yes, it is because I sincerely believe in that the "healing" of the planet can not be left to the hands of cooperations (like BP) or even the government.
The little steps we do locally are much more powerful. Not noticed at first, but then shown to be very effective.
I wish you all to make your "local steps"!
Saturday, May 22
The first one is always the most astounding
and it reminded me of my first love
delicate yet powerful, truly astounding
Flowers and woman are in common, so I stopped
admired the beauty and a dove
was cooing in the surrounding
Then we think back to this day
and in many ways we fled our conversations
which could have happened right now - fatigue
It is startling to see how many games humans play
to artificially alter their situation
believe me, today was not that day, not that kind of gig
Thursday, May 13
the poppy saga of Afghanistan
All right, so 87% of the world market's opiates are produced and grown in Afghanistan, opium and the derivatives - like heroin; and the US is the largest consumer of such. The beautiful white poppies who calm down mankind once processed.
I have red ones in my garden, and they are spreading, not as potent as white ones. It is probably totally illegal to grow them, but I like their beauty. Just look at them, that makes me content, don't need to chew the seeds.
Mysterious Blight Destroys Afghan Poppy Harvest
Published: May 12, 2010
Up to one-third of Afghanistan’s poppy harvest this spring has been destroyed by a mysterious disease, according to estimates revealed Wednesday by United Nations officials, potentially complicating the American and NATO military offensives this summer in the country’sopium-producing heartland.
Asmaa Waguih/Reuters
Sunday, May 9
If a fish swims in
a pond without sunlight
it still keeps to the
Greek sense of peace
and the oceans gentle breeze
and the sun's soft warmth
comes up over the hills
gently touching me
and all the world around me
will come to a stand still
unless the wheels keep spinning
and Greek food makes me fill.
So we had that game last evening, waiting for the food to come. It was in a Greek tavern. There were four of us, my wife, my daughter and her man-friend.
The rules were such. You write three lines and then fold the paper, leaving the last line exposed. Handing it over, the next person continues to scribble. We did four rounds, then the food arrived - delicious. It was my birthday present!
Above is one example of the four "poems". It's hilarious and just fun, by simply trying to do it, you'll see people sweat before they get hot. Give it a try!
Monday, May 3
Is there a tomorrow?
Tree planting, a plum tree I believe last Saturday in honor of Emily. I came a bit late, so I was not able to join the bunch of people to ride a horse up the dirt road - unfortunately! Haven't been on a horse for many years, would have liked to do so now. But oh well, maybe I can persuade the family to give me a horse and then take a ride at a later point. I am rusty, need to replenish.
Did you know that horses are one of the oldest species of animal life on earth, genetically speaking? They survived the dinosaurs, maybe because they were more intelligent than them.
I wonder how the human species will do in the future, is there a tomorrow?
They, the humans, are a beautiful and soul-full creature, but somehow they seem to have a hard time connecting to all what is around them.
Saturday, May 1
They can’t even plug the thing to stop the oil spilling out more, because the well is 5000 feet deep. This might go on for months. Devastation is inevitable.
Wednesday, April 21
Clouds of all kinds
Look at the bright side, Europe is being fertilized by a cloud of volcanic ashes from the Iceland eruption.
I don't give my right ass cheek (is that called: I don't give a damn?) about the Air Lines and their losses which supposedly amount to more $$$ compared to that event of September 11th. And all the people stranded? So what. Take a walk and look around you, you might even find something interesting, an other human being with a story, a glimpse of a biography. No reason to huddle in the airport.
Let the clouds fly by freely.
This event reminds me of an early Joni Mitchell song: "Both Sides Now"
The first verse goes like this:
Bows and flows of angel hair and ice-ream castles in the air
And feather canyons everywhere, I've looked at clouds that way
But now they only block the sun, they rain and snow on everyone
So many things I would have done, but clouds got in my way
I've looked at clouds from both sides now, from up and down and still somehow
It's cloud illusions I recall; I really don't know clouds ... at all.
Talking about tunes, with the help of my brother I got the "Earth and Sky" song done, now we can move on.
As always, stay healthy, be content and stick with your sense of humor.
Greetings and regards, the Zee-Man
PS the picture was taken today, lots of fine formations but I only post this one, we are overdosed as is by images...
Wednesday, April 14
Spring Quake
It seems like the earth is revolting, sending tremors to wake you up, something urgent perhaps.
Is the earth a being?
Do we take adequate care of this "being"? I suppose we do not, unless you believe the tremors are a result of Einstein's theory of relativity.
Now in the mean time, spring is here in the Shire. All good the Hobbit would say, smoking his pipe solemnly at four a clock at tea time.
You would think that humans are rational creatures, but that is sketchy. They mostly only care for their immediate satisfaction, that carrot which dangles in front of the donkey's nose.
Earthquakes? It is a wake up call to forfeit the carrot, yeah - that's it!
Sunday, April 4
Eggs and Easter

So, I am not quite sure why and who invented the egg thing at Easter. Nevertheless, I bought four dozen of eggs, colored them and pretended to be the "Easter Bunny" and placed them randomly on my neighbors yard.
Was kind of fun.
They still have children of that age.
But what does it mean? Fertility, spring, abundance?
For Christ's sake, he was nailed at a cross - so what about these eggs?
Sure the eggs are charming and the kids have fun. But is there a deeper meaning behind this?
Sunday, March 28
The lyrics to the song of the previous post
Tuesday, March 23
Bootleg scratch of "Earth & Sky" and health insurance (<--- click this title for sound) CD, with a few other songs will be avaiable, remastered of course, in late summer
The Pilgrims are long gone, face it - those days are over!
Now we are "just" people and we have to live up to that reality and find our ways.
And then, the children will inherit the glory or the mess we create - it is up to us how we shape or prepare the future for them.
By the way, I finally figured out how to embed my audio sketch of this song "Earth and Sky" in a somewhat clumsy way - just click on the header of this post, and it will start playing. Next week, we (my brother and I) will record a "proper" version. I will keep you updated. Keep in mind, there are many booboos on this one, it really is just a personal exploration of a draft leading towards a final version.
Picture: Maratha's Vineyard about three weeks ago.
Sunday, March 14
The egg has hatched
Was busy writing lyrics for the previous (departed girl) event.
They are done and the melody is 99% finished. Now comes the tedious part of recording this song.
PS. On that little wonderful Apple music recording machine, you see a flickering image of Seraphine's blog. She needs a bit of moral support these days, lost her job or something (am in the same boat). But I wouldn't mind if you say hello to her and give her some words of encouragement. Thanks!
We are waiting for spring here in the north eastern corridor, I believe it is just around the corner. The absolutely non logical manufactured time change has happened to day: Spring forward an hour. For what? It doesn't really matter what number you give the time of day, it is arbitrary anyway. You wake up with the sun, then you go away, to do whatever needs to be done.
It really burns down to the manipulation of masses, that much I have learned.
You don't "save" energy by changing the clock, where it naturally goes "tick-tock".
This is my annual rant about manipulation
a gentle touch to describe the situation
all I know, that the sun is true
and I hope that you are following it too
Tuesday, February 23
I can't fathom this
Just came back from a memorial service, don't do that stuff very often. Played violin on a song called "Cowgirls don't cry" - kind of pathetic song, last minute call, practiced 40 minutes tops, much too little.
Why a country song at a memorial? Well I asked that myself as well. So I thought this would be a nostalgic tribute to a farmer who died naturally in his 80's, that's how it sounded at first when I got the call to play there yesterday. I was wrong.
In this case, as I found out about two hours before the ceremony started, it was all about a young lady who would have turned 19 next May. She just simply died in her sleep, no drugs, no brain seizures, no heart attack, no poisoning. Kind of a mystery really.
In any case - she loved horses, (hence the cow-girl song) she could "die for them", and maybe she did...
"Cowgirls don't cry -ride baby ride, when you fall get yourself up from the mud, it's just a lesson for life."
(or something of that nature...)
I was going to do a recording of this gig, but in the last moment decided: No go! I don't know, it just didn't seem right and I was very moved by this transitional experience.
Sometimes I wonder if there are people out there who "depart" to the spiritual realm by choice or by will - simply without using any assistance from drugs or any other substances.
I really do...
(this is a picture of her, not by me)
The coffin was transported on a horse-wagon to the fire department's locality because the chapel was too small to accommodate three or for-hundred people.
Cowgirls don't cry - I sometimes wonder why.
Wednesday, February 17
Subway, go downtown, find Brandaris with phone or without. After checking out every possible hotel on 40th Street (because I knew that much of his location) I turned back empty handed, no Brandaris to be found. I went back to Harlem, had an awesome time with my friends and a superb fresh, delicious fish dinner. Sleep.
Next morning I drove back (two hour drive) kissed Manhattan good bye, and was depressed. Where was this Brandaris? Later in the morning I get a call: "Hoi, do isch dr Christian!" I was delighted.
We had spend 12 years together in a Waldorf School in Basel and haven't seen each other since. That's 30 years plus...
Next day he came up to "The Shire" and we talked about the past a lot - and sometimes of the future. It was the most refreshing human encounter I had for a long time. He drives trains in Switzerland you see, a completely different view of world-circumstances. And they are always on time. You could have guessed that!
Now, the reason why I didn't find him in New York, is that his real name is NOT Brandaris, that is only his artist name, taken from a light-house named
in the north of Germany. And I had believed he had changed his to this.. No wonder the hotel concierges gave me blank looks.
Well, there is much more to this story - of course. But I will not tire you with juicy details.
All is good, and as Christian did say, the "Waldorf Mafia" is stronger than the Sicilian cartel. On top of it, we don't even have to go on a killing spree to maintain our power.
Thank you Christian for being such a fine person to see me and consolidate with me after more than three decades.
Correction: "Brandaris" is a existing light-house in the Netherlands, and Christian's dream was always to be a light-house-keeper
Friday, February 12