As I type this, I am listening to the Norwegian radio station. I understand about 3/4 of it. It is something, not all, but something. Norway is a "small" country, 5 million people mostly settled in coastal areas. The vastness of the rest of the country is hardly populated, reindeer make their tracks.
It makes me sad, that youth has been slain, just because an extremist right wing knucklehead has not been given the right medications at the right time. I suppose this kind of stuff will happen more often in the future, people are just loosing their minds.
Now you have crazy maniacs crossing the streets, everywhere. You can not anticipate their next move, a fierce look will not shun them anymore.
Kill or get killed seems to be the latest fashion. I am very sure I will not subscribe to this.
Is this becoming a world of chickens, an animal farm where everyone is picking without brain and consciousness, with a chicken heart? Are common human values gone?