Wednesday, June 7

life is a swift breeze

I don't know why I like this picture, it comes popping up on my screen-saver amongst other alternating images of recent photo excursions. Every time it pops up I ask myself - shall I delete this? I didn't take it myself. It was my daughter who spied a black bear from the kitchen window trotting through our yard. She ran into the studio to find the digital picture making machine and literally tried to chase the bear with camera in hand. Racing, she must have had accidentally released the button... but when she came around the corner, the beast was already gone.
Sigh - in a way I'm glad I wasn't home, my worries would have been imense.
It is a foolish thing to chase bears!
But in retrospective I liked her enthusiasm!!!
She is at the age where you do these kind of outrageous things when life is a swift breeze and you open your wings and expect to sail forever to wherever you wish to go. And they will!
My own wings have lost feathers and will only do within a 100 mile radius these days.
Anything further would be very risky - an Ikarus flying towards the sun.


Mar said...

The chair is floating.You can delete it now cause it's floating on your blog.A bear on the loose, scary!

Ticharu said...

I was just reading quite a lot of your blog. You seem like a kindred spirit. I'm always gratified finding people like you in the world.

Nazli Hardy said...

Icarus was innovative and courageous - and I think your span and your feathers are rich and far-reaching! So don't delete.

Loved the image of your daughter's enthusiasm

Zee - are you following the World Cup, my friend? I ask for a reaon :-)

Zee said...

World Cup Nazli? Oh gosh - I used to follow that stuff when I lived in Europe. Now I only take notice of what is going on on the BBC website. It doesn't entice me to the point to have unvoluntary spasms - actually soccer leaves me pretty cold these days.

I am glad to hear that you trust my old feathers.
Thank you!

Nazli Hardy said...

Cold! Zee! No! I trust your old feathers Zee - and I am determined they rustle up for Switzerland! :-):-)

Nice to see you!