Oh yes, by the way I follow the trial of Saddam, it is ludicrous! Even though he was a murderer, torturer and tyrant - I have to say something in his defense. When the war between Iraq and Iran was going on, Kuwait (that stinking little peace of shit where the camel dung stinks and therefore the rulers mostly reside in my home-country Switzerland) gave Saddam millions after millions to fight the Iranians because they were afraid that their region to the straight in the Gulf would be hampered or that Iran would claim key access points, so therefore they supported Iraq ...
Right after the war (both Iraq and Iran were a mess and badly needed reconstruction) these slimy bastards (Kuwait) demanded back all the money they had given the Iraqi leader, immediately!!! Saddam was broke and they knew it. Nevertheless, they insisted and threatened to put high interest penalties on their loans. It was then, that Saddam freaked out and declared: "You little wretched monkeys, I show you how and when I can pay you back, I supported you, you supported me and now you want to see me bleed to death? Fuck you, not long ago you were not that little independent entity as you are now, you had been historically part of Iraq!"
And so, with the blessings of the US ambassador in Iraq, the first Gulf war was started.
Can't blame the man for that.
Now what happened afterwards is a mystery to me. Bush senior changed his mind, hence the first Gulf war. After that he imposed the famous sanctions on Iraq, with no fly-zones and all.
Then the inspectors came in, and they came out, and then in again. But there was no gratitude in that for the US empire. So they fabricated the myth of weapons of mass destruction (WMD). The inspectors had to quit. Scott Ritter rebelled and went back to visit Saddam, Scott having been the chief inspector for quite some years, stating to Saddam that a dialog is needed. The US government cut Scott Ritter short, they didn't like his move and therefore fabricated some shit that he was into kiddie-porn on the the internet, that put a damper onto his reputation (unfounded of course).
So what did Saddam do? Well, he played his last card and declared that Iraqi oil would trade from now on in Euro's and not in Dollars. I strongly believe that this move did "brake the camel's back" and as a result the US government freaked out again.
For decades the oil market was based on the US Dollar, actually from the beginning of the exploitation in the Middle East. Now suddenly, this one country who claims the second largest oil reserve in that region, defies the US currency. What a riot, what a bummer. That could lead to disaster! The US dollar would plummet to it's actual value!!!!!! No way!!!!!!!!
Understandably, the "Empire" would not let this happen and invaded Iraq again. The sale ticket to the folks at home was "terrorism", because it was so convenient after 9/11 - but the real reason was to maintain the status quo of the Dollar ... it wasn't directly about oil at all - though it could have been a convenient "desert" if it had worked out smoothly.
But it didn't.
Now the US is stuck in a "Green Zone" in Baghdad, a city by itself - while the different fractions outside massacre each other.
Is the "Green Buck" worth all this trouble? Or is there a hidden agenda I have never heard of?
And was this angst worth to create a thousand and one more BinLadens?
I suppose Bin Laden's mission could be described as:
"Mission accomplished!"