Friday, October 31

what fear is yours?

You can take the poll above, leave your comments here, or do both...
Fear is a powerful ingredient of the human soul. It should not be underrated. Partially fear is the destructive behavior that shows up at the threshold of anything that previously is unknown to you. Eliminating fear is rather difficult. It is as tough as eradicating predestined opinions of gender, race and all kinds of other garbage lying around. Dreadful - fearful...
So on this beautiful, sunny, Halloween day - you might as well ask yourself what it is, that unknown thing, that throws you eventually off course. The fear you never admitted to previously.

I'll scrap the poll, it's a nuisance..,


Anonymous said...

There are so many things that frighten me right now that I think I've become numb to it.

Anonymous said...

I fear that fear might hold me back from living life to the full. As I get older I have learnt to do it anyway.

Equilibrio Global said...

I fear the same as aggie!

gfid said...

i'm not a fearful person, for the most part. i've learned that i can survive almost anything. but you didn't list the one thing i really do fear. i'm afraid i'll pass on the dysfunctionality i was raised in on to my children.

Anonymous said...

i hate when i first go to sleep and think about death. about not being able to inhale. suffocating. the awesome end of all things. not being. nothingness.
i know it's a type of madness. i think when i get old, i'll outgrow my fear. that's what i hope. but what if it gets worse?
i think it's silly to worry about something you do only once. i mean, it's not the olympics. it's something everyone does.
it still scares me.

Zee said...

Thank you all for your interesting and honest answers!

I think I recall that on Pink Floyd's album "Dark Side of the Moon" there is a line in the lyrics somewhere: "...comfortably numb."
I fear to reach that stage!

susan said...

I thought of something said by Studs Terkel about fear that struck me as the most apt answer to your question:

'Perhaps it is this specter that most haunts working men and women: the planned obsolescence of people that is of a piece with the planned obsolescence of the things they make. Or sell.'

Anonymous said...

comfortably numb works. i've tried that on occasion. it's not a healthy long-term lifestyle choice, however. but it gets you through the day when necessary.

ANNA-LYS said...

The thing I fear the most is when ignorance and revenge rule the world.