Tuesday, December 22

what am I supposed to say?

Perhaps you carve a spoon - that's a beginning, it might lead to feeding those who do not have their own means to do so. Let's say the people in Africa. Big continent - have you ever been there?
All right, we in the so called western-hemisphere are needy too. The other day I got catapulted out of my lazy chair when I learned that all people who do have more than $10,000 unsecured debt will be forgiven up to 60% of their dues (New York State). I am not quite sure where I am going with this... But this remarkable thought did strike me: Max out all your credit cards NOW and then claim 60% interest and harvest within a month or two. Splendid. But I am not a pervert, hence I will not  push an attempt into that direction, that scam and all the rest of it.


Seraphine said...

carving a linoleum woodblock sounds like an awesome endeavor. although, i am trying to imagine, without being silly, a linoleum woodblock. prints have never been my medium.
i am assuming you mean to imprint some design on paper as christmas gifts.
(oh dear, i hope your recipients don't read your blog. i don't want to spoil their surprise)
knowing you, the result will be beautiful.
may 60% of your sins be forgiven. may the other 40% bring you endless pleasure.
merry christmas zee!

Mercutio said...

That could well be a 60% off sale, but...
Let's look at this in another light (so to speak)...
What if, say, the government determined that it would be ok to smoke a joint as long as you leave a big roach for them.
They want 40% as the standard for "a big roach."
That means you can smoke 60% of the joint and enjoy your buzz!
But then they come and take your roaches.
They've got them stashed somewhere.
If you could find where they're stashing all the roaches, that could run into some real money.

Really though, it doesn't seem like they would do something like that if they didn't come out ahead.
Maybe hoping that people with debt would be more inclined to pay if it didn't take so long to pay it down.
Maybe in extreme cases, but I believe overall that is faulty.
Still, the extremes could well make up the difference.
But of course, the end result will be a tightening of credit.
I thought that was what they were trying to avoid these days.
So many mixed messages.

Gary said...

You are a thoughtful man! And interesting too.

May your Christmas be merry and fun and peaceful (with music and drink)...

gfid said...

a spoon is no use to someone who has no food.

few of us in north america know what 'needy' is. even when we're penniless, we're surrounded by 'stuff'.

wishing you a 2010 with all you need, and enough to share. many blessings and thanks for your wisdom, humour, insight, and appreciation of the beauty in the world.

Zee said...

I cracked up reading your roach analogy.
Brutally simply said though, I am screwed. I have no credit card debts. It is the looser that wins this time, the ones who have outstanding balances.
I am poor as a church-mouse on the other hand and could very well appreciate a 60% forgiveness on stuff I never could afford in the first place. But as usual, I am too naive to play the game...

Zee said...

I was carving today, it's tedious, don't know exactly why I am doing it - but with the encouragement of my brother who stuffed my nose into the fact that you only can go forward AFTER you have finished something, I de-procrastinated and went on with it.
So hopefully it will become a New Years card (as print).
This winter sucks, I have no other words for it.
Wish you merry 12 holy nights though.

Zee said...

Sometimes I wish I were in your shoes, but that's not going to happen.
In any case, happy Christmas ... and thanks for everything you gave!

Zee said...

A spoon is a symbolic chalice, of course the sustenance has to come with it - eventually.
I wish you all the best for 2010 as well. There are going to be some interesting years ahead of us. Let's conquer all that is useful and positive. (...and discharge the rest)

Seraphine said...

so roaches are like earthworms? if you cut them in two, each will morph into separate, viable creatures?
i've heard that after a nuclear war, only the roaches will survive.
i am beginning to understand.
in the end, one's credit card balance won't matter one tiny bit.
merry christmas, zee.

Mercutio said...

Merry Christmas, Zee.
May all the roaches you find be big and fat.