Legend has it, that there was a mighty strong man, some called him a giant. His name was Ophorus. He observed the angst and need of poor people to cross a large river. They could not afford the ferryman. So by his good heart he choose to live in a simple hut just by the riverbed, and whenever someone called for him, he escorted them over to the other side for free.
One evening he heard the voice of a child: Can you carry me over? Of course, he said. And as he was wading through the waters his load got heavier and heavier. It was almost a miracle that he made it to the other side. The last steps before he went ashore he said to the child: I have carried and helped hundreds of woman and man much bigger than you, but none were as heavy as you. I felt right now that I was carrying the whole world on my shoulders. The child nodded and said: Yes indeed you did, you just carried the whole load and burden of the world. He looked at the child's face in astonishment and at that point realized that he had carried the Christ child over the river. From thereon his name was known as Christophorus.
Nice photographs! Nice blog! I really liked the story of the Christ. :)
Best wishes. :)
your woodblock print!
i love the story. it sounds vaguely familiar. i must have heard a similar story once. i wish i could remember it. maybe it was the same story?
but i'll remember your telling of it because of your 'cut.'
do you know what i like? there are no straight lines. i can see the ripples of water, ophorus' muscles, even the world carried on his shoulders.
it's beautifully carved.
i like the paper it's printed on-- the mottled aging around the edges-- indicating an ancient story.
isn't that typical of god, to make a simple man living by the riverbed carry such a heavy load?
no, i didn't carve the torsos. they were in a shop window in costa rica. i tried to carve soap once. i didn't have the patience or finesse to be successful at it.
you don't want to give me a knife anyway, much less a chisel or mallet.
i get paper cuts without even thinking.
I thought the print was cool before I read the story.
I like it even more after reading the story.
Excellent work, twice over!
regarding your next project, a sensual female nude, or a complete abstract, start with the abstract first. if it rejects you, well... it won't be as painful as being rejected by a sensual female nude.
art rejects me all the time. sometimes i force it, like the image in yesterday's comic.
but you don't want to force sensuality.
an abstract on the other hand, it's like jazz. if it rejects, just repeat the theme.
and then when you are still heady with success, try the sensual idea that's floating there, teasing behind your eyes, waiting to lie on the velvet couch, gown arranged loosely then falling from her shoulder, her eyes abruptly direct upon you.
Thanks Mercutio I don't want to sound mean, but I appreciate to be pampered these days.
I started Sera with the obvious I know, the horizon. Then I turned the painting 45 degrees, it was abstract all right. The sensual part melted into the remaining space, will give you update "when I get there". This time I am painting with oil colors, it is sort of fun and my shop/studio stinks of turpentine. There are no explicit issues with this image, the lady is gracefully modest.
Thinking of going to the Caribbean for a few days, not that I could afford it, but it is for my better well being. Roundtrip with Hotel under $400, can't beat it (for three days). Maybe I will take my sketch-book along.
i didn't realize it was so large! it would take some practice with a cut that large to make a nice print on paper, no?
it's a pretty blue. a little darker than cerulean? the color softens the print a bit, makes it less harsh.
i'm not sure which print i like better. i think the blue. but the important thing is that you like it better.
the caribbean sounds awesome. maybe you can work something out with a local to stay a few inexpensive days longer. really, it takes a week just to take a deep breath. three days is the emotional equivalent of a one-night stand.
No pampering here, Zee.
If I didn't care for the piece, I would prefer to remain silent rather than to offer empty praise.
Well, I really like it too. My only experience with prints was a long time ago when I did some lino cuts and later on spent a few weeks one summer carving erasers (!) but I only learned enough to begin to understand the elements of rendering negative images. Carving anything takes a good deal of focused strength and carving something meaningful and recognizable takes a good deal more. I do remember that story and you've told it very well with the print.
i love the curving lines too.... Christophorus' body takes on the texture and strength of a huge tree. hope you get your break. yes, Haiti is heartbreaking. i cry every time i think about it. but , we do what we can, and it's enough. if you need a rest, TAKE ONE!! Rome was not built by people who had collapsed.
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