Tuesday, March 29


I believe I have a personal crisis.
It is hard to avoid the news, or the not so news from Libya.
In the mean time Fukushima is on the sideline, for us all. And it should actually concern us prominently, it should be THE topic of the day, every day.
But no, this is not so. Diversions all around.

I have a problem with this. Because I really don´t care who will drive the camel fleet to the next oasis in Libya - Gadaffi friends, rebels, or muslim brotherhoods, or some other kind of tribe or ethnicity. Frankly, I don´t give a rats ass how they figure it out. Democracy you see, is as lofty as an unwritten blank page. So you can´t defend an unwritten blank page with fighter jets and then call it liberation. How arrogant have we become to believe that we can figure it all out for them, and that the so called West will save civilians and prevent internal slaughter within nation states, this time Libya? 

If you have three pence to the penny, you know that the above actions are totally absurd. History is made by deeds of inspiration, not force which is sole nuisance and retardation, sometimes necessary perhaps, but not in this very case.

Instead we should focus on the 100´000 and more people who died in Japan, actually no, we should not do that. Rather - we should concentrate and support all those who are still alive, who need shelter, who need comfort. 

And - the Fukushima thing is not over yet - a wake up call to us all.

(PS that painting has "evolved" and has become very dark and black lately. I am gonna change it in due time)

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