Friday, February 3

As the Syrian, Egyptian and other Middle Eastern States' struggle to go on - I sometimes wonder and muse about my own directions, what kind of revolution or evolution do I picture and want?
And most importantly, if I happen to have such a vision, even if it is scant, what would it be, how would it be transformed? How can something be implanted which is created in good will to common grounds, for anybody to be picked up. I don't know the answer yet, but it will come to me when I see it. I used to do sculptures with 
a passion, I thought I could meander into peoples mind, cheer them up, make them wonder. It is not anymore so. One of my later creations - which I actually finished, was "Diving for Pearls", a contribution for a girl who actually did that, not in the ocean, but in her heart.

Neil Young, the old junky hippie once wrote a song, it was called: "Searching for a heart of gold" - and on every ending line he said ... and I'm getting old.
That is how I feel, I am getting old - and the world in general grows old on me with all their bullshit, their endless survival techniques to vitalize capitalism and endless growth, instead of capturing that what is in front of their nose, the shiny dew drop that fell from the heavens, sparkling. A gift.
Still, I propose that sculpture is the bond or the link between humans and nature. Many have succeeded to do so, I will try my best to follow suit. 

1 comment:

jozien said...

The sculpture is beautiful and also what it represents.
I always thought; beware that i don't grow old in mind. laughing with friends; "please, let us notify eachother if we see sign of it in eachother". Now i wonder. Still i find young people when meeting them personally very invigorating. Yet i do not want to go what feels like the mind frame of time. Please let me stay the behind. I feel at home in my old ways.