"Hitler was deciding who was fit to live and who wasn't, was taking away people's freedoms, and was using the instrument of business and government to limit freedom. He was a classic leftist dictator."
"Why do you think I coined the term 'feminazi' to describe the most fervent pro-abortion women in this country? Well, what did the Nazis do? Killed people because they were inconvenient."
"Conservatism is about
"Two of the candidates in this race are saying, 'It's my turn,' and the other one is saying, 'God's anointed me." (all original Rush quotes)
Sometimes I just melt down, watch a movie and go baaahhh and pass out. Sanity survival for the next 24 hours.
In the mean time Rush Limp and Annie Cut (where did I loose that missing "n" in that name???) can both kiss my ass.
Talking about movies, I finally broke down to mere crumbs on a leftover platter and abandoned my local video store and instead went with Netfllix. Me bad, since I foremost like to encourage and support local businesses. But they are so out of tune here that I couldn't tune in anymore.
With Netflix late fees are now a thing of the past, and the two movies I watch each month cost me less than five bucks.
Ann Coulter and Rush Limbaugh. What a mess. They are both addicts. She follows her sex and power drive whenever she opens her mouth, he follows his pills and addiction thing while shouting obscenities.
Dangerous liaisons.
Just so you know that you don't have to completely stop bitching at the a-holes. They deserve it once in a while...
You da man.
I like you happy and positive too of course.
What halfway civilized person doesn't despise Limbaugh and Coulter, the spokepersons for barbarians.
Most of the time I try to have pity for people with that level of
stupidity, but then, there's days I need to rant.
Do you know what I mean Zee?
Ann Coulter.. she has some serious daddy issues and I'm not meaning to be caddy even!! She's just a means to end for Fox ratings and totally dismissable. The men (yes, MEN!) buying her book probably take the cover off for their own, ahm, personal use..
so there!
Rush Limbaugh? He only appeals to the collective impotent (in the general sense of the word) white men with anger issues..
so there!
no thanks, no 'fat cigar' for me! (hehe)
tjus (how do you do that big 'S'??)
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