Monday, February 4

XLll - how about simply stating #42 instead

Super-bowl? What a gag. Is that a leftover from the Roman Empire, with Roman numerals attached to it and all? Why are there no woman in this sport? Is this the only sport left where woman can't compete?
Whatever, that game bores me to death. A bunch of excused college kids come together, equipped with dick and head and shoulder harness, run and collide into each other, collapse on a pile of human sweat, get up and start all over again.
Maybe I am screwed, because I never follow the teams. If I would, I might spur up more excitement for this "super-bowl" event.
But who cares which team wins. Most of the players don't even reside in the state they are supposedly representing. Some of them are probably illegal aliens, cashing in on 70 million annual contracts. Better than picking apples I suppose.
Superbowl for the common person is like the lottery, a poor mans excitement and taxation to the "higher authority" - a waste of resources really, dullification! And if football is a sport, it is just labeled that way to be on the safe side. (OSHA requirements)
Next time someone annoys me, I just run him or her over, and scream "touch down".
Isn't that what we teach our children to believe in, knocking people over - watching football?


Celloman said...

Man! Just because you don't like football doesn't mean it isn't something good for many others. I thought it was an amazing game! I guess if you look hard enough you can find something negative and ominous about everything, and these days apparently everything is a bad influence on our children, but sports is a simple pleasure that has it's place and value in our existence.
If as Al Gore predicts the world is going to end (I know driving won't end), then I say, less work and more play........(ing sports).....and more beer drinking.......and less talking and thinking!

Zee said...

My game is to find something "ominous" about every little thing, Celloman :)
But you are right, sports in general are a good thing, I am very supportive of it, even the competitive edge it can get to. Nothing wrong with that.
Personally I love skiing and swimming and I used to like volley-ball and soccer, back in the days ...
I just find it comical (having not been raised in the US) what kind of hysteria the "superbowl" provides for the masses, it is almost like amnesia, garnished with lots of greasy finger food and cases after cases of beer, staring at a screen that shows in short intervals people colliding into each other.
So your team lost and mine won - how do you feel about that - brother? Was that all preconceived?
Uhps, there slips in yet an other conspiratorial thought. Darn!
****Long live the Giants****

Seraphine said...

Lol, now I know you are trying to get a reaction out of your readers. Think of all the good things football brings to america: A sense of pride and a sense of community, not to mention adding millions of dollars to the economy. Admit it, you're a closet football junkie, you like sausage pizza, beer and single-syllable utterances. You're outed, Zee.

_z. said...

I just started liking football last year. Not growing in north america, I was a football(soccer) fan all my life, I even play the game and I play it well...
My friend explained to me a couple of rules on a beer last year, and since then, I am madly in love with those modern gladiators...
it is an amazing game and a very smart one might I add...

it is not just about collisions and beating ppl up. Every one has a role... a team is a society the functions altogether... your force is that of your weakest player... and you advance... as a community as a civilization...

oh... here I go again... better stop now...

Zee said...

I have a lot of junk in my closets Seraphine. When I hide there, where are my snacks? Terrible! I must find a solution to this dilemma.

Zee said...

I like your positive approach to random madness _Z. Very interesting with that humanitarian angle I never quite to get myself.

Gary said...

Ah come on Zee - let them have their cake and games!

It's funny how much bonding and feeling gets generated over games people play on fields, usually involving balls (not the players', but the game balls). In Canada, we switched it to a field of ice and a puck that's easier to control than a ball. Same thing.

Esoteric Notes said...

I was born in America and have lived here my entire life, but I hate football (not soccer); always have, probably always will. And its not even the violence that bothers me, because I do enjoy watching kick boxing, but to me, its just that I find football to be MINDLESSLY BORING AND MORONIC. And in all honesty I typically don't much get on well with the people who do like football; its like a clash of mindsets or something.

However, to each their own I guess. There are definitely strong similarities between American football and the barbaric Roman Colosseum, but at least in football they don't fight to the death like they did in ancient Rome; so if nothing else, I would say that's an improvement. Slow evolution is better than no evolution.

Anonymous said...

I loooooooooooooooove ominous and everything you have to say, but the crest ad made me spit coffee all over my screen LMAO! Vermont compliment= nice tooth.

celestialmtn said...

Zee, I hate football and I was forced to endure the grunts and cheering of maniacal Giants fans here in my neighborhood. Then I had to weave my way through traffic the Tuesday after the game because of the ticker-tape parade.

I am so relieved it is all over.

Celloman said...

Zee, it seems as though all the chicks are coming out in your defense! No wonder I can't get a date............ I like football.......and as a result I'm "MINDLESSLY BORING AND MORONIC"!