Wednesday, August 6

New York still rocks, whatever you say

I know, I posted these images before, albeit in a different format. I was going to post the whole history of the US at war since its conception after I listened to an interview of the blue-eyed house speaker Pelozzi this morning on the radio. She is so naive; she doesn't understand that the United States has been continuously at war throughout its existence and nothing seems to alter that fact. The US is comparable to the Mongols in that respect. She doesn't understand that "pulling out the troops in Iraq" means five or six military bases remaining and the largest embassy of any country in the world in Baghdad. She doesn't understand that peace is an obscure word you can only look up in the dictionary in the US.
So I was thinking of posting that continuous thread of wars and make it graphic and simple. While getting all my material lined up, I suddenly felt disconnected and my interest to do so faded.
The only solution I can see in the future for the US to succeed, is cutting the pie into pieces. Texas a country for themselves, as well as the East Coast, The West Coast and the Midwest.
So that makes four independent countries, or at least some kind of federation where Washington only plays a minor role. please
lets take these broken hearts, and use
lets use only what we really need
you know we only have so little, so please
take these broken hearts and leave

Jack Johnson


susan said...

It's interesting Zee to read you have the same take on this issue as I do. A major problem here is that the country is too big to be governed as a true democracy. It might help if it were a parliamentary democracy because at least with that we both know Bush wouldn't have withstood the first question period in the Commons. As it is there is no place close enough for most people to go physically to complain and if a million do show up in Washington the park service and the press say it may have been ten thousand and the media ignores all complaint anyway.

Zee said...

I agree with you SUSAN about the media, they simply don't report of what is really happening.
And true democracy only works decentralized, or as the gypsies Gogol Bordello would say: Act locally, fuck globally!

susan said...

I LOVE Gogol Bordello! I've never heard anybody mention them before. I'm not sure if my favorite is Greencard Husband or:

Let's Get Radical -

(Good morning!)
Ohhh! Fuckkk!

She says, "Let's go to Brighton Beach,
And the ??? disco."
Well that would be great fun of ironic kind,
For your self-collapsing ironic mind,
But, hey girl, we've got the cure for you,
Provided of course you will ever make it through!

So let's get radical!
[Ukrainian] radical!
Not ironic, sardonic, catatonic, ceremonic but radical!

Well you know mother,
Some things are actually sacred.
And tough for you ceremonic just won't do!
So hey girl we've got the cure for you,
Provided of course you will ever make it through,
But, hey boy, we've got the cure for you too,
Provided of course you will ever make it through!

So let's get radical!
[Ukrainian] radical!
Not ironic, sardonic, catatonic, ceremonic but radical!
Let's get radical!
[Ukrainian] radical!
Not ironic, sardonic, catatonic, ceremonic but radical!
Not ironic, sardonic, catatonic, ceremonic but radical!

With all the post 911 angst and delusional patriotism, they were a very refreshing act to hear in 2002.