Wednesday, May 20

Peace Through Music

The eighth session "Playing for Change" is good. The link is below in case I don't manage to embed this thing. Enjoy!
Playing For Change:

...for change

Last frost (I hope) the day before yesterday. Covered my tomatoes, peppers and beans. They all survived.
I am such a "garden-nut" these days. This actually represents my present ways and tranquility, the prime choice of drug, my only salvation. The hardships of keeping a chemical balance, a rescue remedy of mental health - this activity neutralizes the brain, immediately, while digging into the earth (that's a fact) and then speaking to flowers and vegetables alike and so on. You will then notice them prosper and flourish. I wish I had the same ability with humans, dig into their dirt, shaking it loose, and watch those new blossoming buds sprout. There is a long way towards this goal, but I will keep trying. In the mean time the "blogshere" will receive the pulled out weeds, my sarcasm, spite, and the never ending mission to provoke - and sometimes positive things.
You see, without occasional disturbance, we might as well be dead.
Cheers and regards,

Zee (Lukas)


Miss Pidgin said...

Hello Mister

In the mean time the "blogshere" will receive the pulled out weeds, my sarcasm, spite, and the never ending mission to provoke - and sometimes positive things.What ells can we use the sphere to?
I think it is a perfect place for that, the cat will survive and my smile will stay like my tears and frustration , so we share and the next day we feel for something ells...Maybe...:)


jozien said...

You got it all wrong Zee. People don't like it when you dig into their dirt. :)
Love your post!
(i planted patatoes today)

_z. said...

there is tranquility in tending to the earth and to plants.
I am also going nuts with my planting pots on my tiny balcony.

good to see you at peace zee...

Cym said...

I haven't tried speaking to plants yet, but I do speak to birds and insects, and other animals that cross my path. I just say hello, how are you, nice to see you today, and other basic pleasantries. I did read an interesting book back in high school called 'The Secret Life of Plants' by Peter Tompkins, that basically postulated that plants are much more perceptive than most people give them credit for, and are receptive to verbal feedback, having some form of conscious awareness. While I haven't actually talked to plants yet, I do communicate with them non-verbally, in the form of thinking positive thoughts and greetings. Another good book on this subject is 'The Secret Life of Water' by Masaru Emoto, about how we communicate with water, and how our thoughts and words affect the quality of water, based on whether our thoughts are more aligned with either love or hate.

Gary said...

Thanks Zee - inspiring!