Monday, May 14

All right then, one party picture for you

We had a good time. Fresh pastry, Champaign, friends, music, conversation, saltwater-sea-breeze. What more can you ask for ...
Some crazy girls had a biting contest, the trophy went to the Mic--Mac woman of Native Indian decent. He, my friend Caleb, got bitten hard.Her teeth grabbing the flesh of his arm, leaving blue marks 'til one week later.
Other than that, nothing over-excitingly happened.


Anonymous said...

Ok u know I never read any of yer
retorts so you can stop sweating
them for above there's a
supplement just for you ;-/

O никогда u г не возражают против того, что делает Вы знаете об этом

всех людей в хорошие старые дни, Вы имели обыкновение быть рогатыми теперь,

Вы только выпиты, когда Вы встаете в гребаном утреннем Geiliger, по крайней.

мере может сделать две очень хорошие вещи - трахают Вас и бьют Вас. Есть ТЕРАПИЯ ДЛЯ ВАС, так пойдите домой, и возьмите это.

Zee said...

I am not fluent in deciphering this ... Anon.

Anonymous said...

psst wassup oleasshole ?!
are u horny (kad) again?!
Like in the goodol days?!
We hope so for yur sake?!

de Zimmi u.sogar de Faller.

Because u see Fucker,just being
what u are w.out being kad that
is just being a superasshole !!
All day long !! And nitetime2 !
And that's just not nuf !
Capiche,Stinker ?