Monday, October 27

no more new posts until this US election is over

Until then, post whatever you want in the commentary section. (I might reply, I might not)
You see, I just happened to roll out of steam these days, sorry for the inconvenience.

(so I lied... sorry Bettina)

The Dick is not in Cheney - 'cause they never found that thing on him...
I am cautiously optimistic. But the truth is, the "world" will not change dramatically if either McCain, or Obama are being voted into office. The US democracy is build up as such, that legislative control is not executed by the president ("commander in chief") very much at all. He or she follows the leads of advisers, committees and most of all two "chambers", the Senate and the Congress. I don't want to bore you with creamy details how this mechanism is all supposed to work. In many ways I do not understand particular aspects of it myself. It would be a waste of time to try to solely "pose" on that one...
All I know for now, is that the foreign-policy advisers from both Obama and McCain don't differ very much at all. They spawn all from the same pond of political breeding ground that will ensure the same course - as it always was, as it always has been.
As for Obama, he has some charisma. Maybe he will be able to use it to inspire legislative processes to find a new direction. Maybe he will achieve to be a steward to this nation, and not act as some warmongering idiot from an oil clan, running around in circles on a fortified ranch in Texas. You know Texas - the country that actually should not be part of the USA. That's an other story. But maybe there will be a grain of pride in this guy Obama, a spark, something that will him "move" (not change!!! I'm tired of that slogan...) things along for the better for this nation. That's where my hopes are resting, and that is why I will vote for him in the next few days.


Anonymous said...

running out of steam. i wonder how old that phrase is? it connotes the old steamships of the past century, or the radiators people used to heat houses. running out of steam would leave a ship in midstream, a house uncomfortably cold in winter. the image of you huddled in masses of blankets, shivering against the world, waiting for word by telegraph, via morse code, that it is ok to come out again, a new king has been selected and that means spring is near, awaiting only the last leaf to fall to the ground, to begin the process of rebirth and light.

Vote Projector said...

Great photo slideshow. See you after the election, let's keep our fingers crossed that all goes well at the polls.

Zee said...

Adorable, you are just so poetic Seraphine - can't help to lift up them spirits.

Zee said...

Hey there Vote protector
All will go well, no worries!
The slideshow? These are all the used and "misused" pictures from my blog...

Bettina said...

The great thing about having your own blog is, you never have to say "sorry for the inconvenience". If you don't want to post, you don't post. Easy as that.

Zee said...

hoi gueti bettina-
chume bitzli uwe, odr soell i abecho...

Celloman said...

Just saw a poll today that said 23 percent of Texans believe Obama is Muslim. I'm not sure Texans are smart enough to govern themselves. Zee...just adding to your "other story"

Zee said...

Oh, Celloman ... that is almost a quarter of the population. What do these people need besides MTV? (I purposely didn't want to mention the "animal station", the one that has an endangered species to their name).
The least we can do... is what?
Have them contained with a wall towards Mexico AND the United States?
I am at a loss of words my friend...